BL Add MS 21481 folio 138r ( Payments ), 1513 [modernised text]
Friday Symond & Jude day.
Year 5th 28th day of October

for the King's offering upon Simon & Jude day
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Windsor

Year 5th 30th day of October
for the King's offering this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Tuesday alhaloo day
13 s
4 d

Item to the heralds at arms for their largess
100 s

Item paid upon a warrant to Roose the Scottysshe
herald in reward
100 s
and to Rogecrosse one
of the King's pursuivants at arms for his charg

of Rose the Scottysshe herald
40 s
and to one Barnabas Geytan who brought
a letter from the vice Roy of Naples of thoverthrowe
of the Venycians in Re
£ 13
6 s
8 d
8 s

Item to Sir Edmond Wyseman upon a warrant
for his 2 month wag
avaunced aforehand
a. J.
that is to say for September & Octob
last past
£ 10
3 s
4 d

Sunday at Windsor

Year 5th 6 day November
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Henry smith upon a warrant towards
the repairing of the castle of Windsor the making
of the manor of Ditton. the preparation of the p
chamber at Westminster
£ 200

Item for the King's offering upon Monday at Sir
William Fitzwilliam his wedding
6 s
8 d

Sunday at Windsor

Year 5th 13th day November
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering upon Sunday the
20 day of November last passed
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering upon Sunday the
27 day of November last passed
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's offering upon Wednesday
saint Andrew day. next day November
6 s
8 d

sum page
£ 238
16 s
8 d

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