BL Add MS 21481 folio 12v ( Payments ), 1509 [modernised text]
Sunday at Wanstead
Year first 9th day Septembr

for offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to 2 notaries of Scotland for making of
an Instrument of the King's othe
20 s

Item to Drax riding with letters from the Counsail
to Lincoln & to the bishop of Canterbury
20 s

Item to Robert Byard riding w
letters to John
Hampden and to Boston for his costs
26 s
8 d

Item to John Guysell riding two times from Mor
to London and to the bishop of Canterbury
6 s
8 d

Item to John Power riding with a letter to Sir John
Peche for his costs
20 d

Item to Lewes of La Fava upon a warrant for
as much money payd to John Stile in Spain
£ 100

Item to Carvan
l Riding from Hanworth to London
for caring of an hart to the ambassadors of Scotland
and to the Popes collector
12 d

Item for offering upon Sat
day o
Lady day
6 s
8 d

Item for the wag
of the yeomen of the chamber
for the month of August last past
£ 116
3 s

Item to my Lady Anne Percy upon a warrant
signed in full payment of 100 marks delivered
by Edmund Dudley which was due at Michaelmas
£ 26
13 s
4 d

Item for offering upon Friday holy Rode day
6 s
8 d

Item to Mathew Baker upon a warrant in full
payment of
£ 16
16 s
8 d
as appears by
diverse bills
£ 6
16 s
8 d

Item for offering upon saint Mathey day
6 s
8 d

Year first 16 ‌
day Septembr
Item for offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Sunday 23rd day Septe
6 s
8 d

Item to a Frenchman for 2 horses bought of
him for the King's grace
£ 40

sum page
£ 293
9 s

Henry King

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