BL Add MS 21481 folio 61v ( Payments ), 1511 [modernised text]

to Thomas Cheny upon a warrant signed for his
aforehand after the Rate of
3 s
4 d
the day
from the first day of the month of July year Third
unto the first day of July year 4 that is to say for
one twelf months
£ 60
16 s
8 d

Item for the wag
of the King's spears of hono

for the month of May last past
£ 262
16 s
8 d

Item to Thomas Jaye upon a warrant signed
in reward
£ 10

Sunday at Elth

Year i 2nd
for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for offering upon Tuesday midsummer day
6 s
8 d

Item to Sampson Norton yeoman of the guard
upon a warrant signed for 6 months wag

the Rate of
12 d
by the day unchecked at
30 days in the month beginning the 18
day of this month of June unto the 14 day
of December next coming
£ 9

Item to John Blewberies upon a warrant for certain
hammers anvils files and other stuff for making
of the King's harness
100 s
10 d

Item paid to John Mewtis upon a warrant for his
fee ended at midsummer last passed
£ 10

Item paid to Thomas Spynell for his half years
due at Easter last past upon a warrant
£ 50

Item to the same Thomas upon a warrant in Re
£ 33
6 s
8 d

Item to Sir Edward Hawarde upon a warrant
for Riggyng of certain ships to the sea
£ 200

Item to William Pawne upon a warrant for certain
posts layed betwixt London & Berwick
£ 11
6 s
8 d

sum page
£ 653
10 d

Henry King

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