BL Add MS 21481 folio 87v ( Payments ), 1512 [modernised text]
Paulme Sunday at Greenwich
Year i 2nd 4 day April

for the King's offering upon this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item to Henry cross shakbusshe upon a warrant signed
for 4 months wag
12 d
the day. that
is to say December. January. February & march last past
£ 6

Item to Elizabeth Burton over and besides
66 s
8 d

allowed in thalf years wag
at o
lady day last
passed in full payment of
£ 6
13 s
4 d
for her
said half years wag
66 s
8 d

Item to Doctor Brygate greiffrere of Norwich that
preached before the King's grace upon this Sunday
20 s

Item to Thomas Tyrell upon a warrant signed
for his half years fee due at this Easter
£ 10

Item to Edward chamberlain upon a warrant in
loan to be repaid by 2 obligations of statute
£ 200

Item to William Buttry and other upon a warrant
for sylk
embroidering and other things which
was for the disguising at Christmas last passed
that is to say. To William Buttry
£ 408
To Elizb

£ 29
21 d
To the embroiderer
£ 18

16 s
8 d
To Cristian Waren
£ 16
18 s
8 d

To Richard Gibson
£ 54
11 s
11 d
To Robert Amadas
£ 54
20 d
sum in all
£ 583
10 s
8 d

Item to the henchmen for to take their rights
20 s

Item to Stephyn Bull going to Hampton
abouts the King's business for his costs
100 s

Item to Simon Balaake upon a warrant signed
for the wag
of certain p
son for mending of the
hunting toilles & for diverse necessaries for the same
£ 16
4 s
6 d

Item to Philippe upon a warrant signed for 12 months
4 s
4 d
the month that is
to say. from the last day of march year 2 ‌
. unto the
first day of April year 3 ‌
. amounts unto in all
52 s

Item for the wag
of the yeomen of the chamber
for the month of march last passed
£ 131
14 s

sum page 960 li 14 s 6 d

Henry R

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