BL Add MS 21481 folio 223v ( Payments ), 1516 [modernised text]
Thursday Corpus
i day

for offering upon Thursday Corpus
i day
6 s
8 d

Item to John Van Vinkell Henry Van Artein. John Van
Van Artein & Claise Forchemble minstrels for their wag

for 28 dais beginning 26 day May & ending
21st day June next coming
3 d
the piece
£ 10
5 s

Item to Henry smith upon a warrant by indenture towards
the finishing of the castle gate at Windsor
castyng of the mote at Ditton repairs at Oking
Greenwich & elswhere
£ 200

Item to Robert Amadas upon a warrant for certain stuff
delivered by him to the king as it appears by the same
warrant the sum of
£ 101
16 s
9 d

Item to Guydo Portunary Thomas Forster Nicolas
. Elizabeth Worshoppe John Spurreyer & Guillam
Cristen upon a warrant for diverse things belonging to
the King's stable as by a book therof made & annexed
unto the said warrant particularly it appears the sum of
£ 626
9 d

Item to Sir Richard Nevill knight upon a warrant upon
loan which is to be Repaid by obligation
£ 140

Item to the Queen of Scots by warrant by

the hands of Master Magnus
£ 200

Item to the emperors Embassato
s by the same warrant
by way of the King's reward
£ 40

Item to a servant of the Popes by the same warrant
in reward in gold
£ 20

Item to Doctor Tunstall master of the Rolles
by the same warrant for his costs & diott

for the space of C˄
viij dais at
20 s
the day
going Ambasset to the king of castle to be accounted
from the Monday 19 day of May last
£ 118

Item to Sir Richard Wyngefeld for like costs
and diott
for 100 dais at
20 s
the day
to be accounted from Monday 26th day May
anno 8 reign of the king Henry 8 ‌
£ 100

sum page 1556 li 9 s 2 d

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