E101/414/16 folio 90v ( Obligations ), 1497 [modernised text]
Prior of Lenton

Nicolas Kniston
The Prior of Lenton is bound by obligation
to pay
Michaelmas during 3 years
£ 20
lx li

Thomas John's
Thomas John's of Monmouth ought by
obligation for the matter of Chepstow
£ 70

Sir John Waren
Sir John Waren is bound by obligation
to pay at Christmas
C marks
& that day
12 months 100 marks in all 200 marks
paid 100 marks

John Styrley
John Stirley is bound by obligation to pay
100 marks at Michaelmas & 100 marks that
day 12 months
CC marks
paid 100 marks paid 100 marks

my Lord Dudeley
my Lord Dudley is bound by obligation
to pay at Michaelmas
£ 100
& that day
12 months
£ 100
for Lord Powez son
£ 200

£ 50
£ 50

John Hasilwode
John Hasilwode owe by obligation
xl marks

Bishop of London
The Bishop of London is bound by
chapter seal to pay yearly at Hallowtide
£ 200
during 6 years
£ 1200

£ 200
£ 200
term Michael year xiiij ‌

Sir John Fortescu
Sir John Fortescu have made a dede of
feofment to Sir R
Bray Sir Thomas Lovell James
Hobart & Andrew Dymmok to pay yearly
at Saint Andrews Tide & midsummer during
the nonage of John Stoner
£ 100

Sir John Fortescu
The same Sir John have made a dede
of feofment to my Lord Bath Lord
Daubeney Sir R
Bray Sir Thomas Lovell Sir Harry
Heydon Sir William Boleyn James Hobart &
Andrew Dymmok to pay yearly at Saint
Andrews Tide & midsummer
£ 60
unto the
som be paid of
£ 540

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