E36/216 folio 131r ( Payments ), 1521 [modernised text]
Scribe 3
Monday first day April year 12 ‌
for the King's offering this Monday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item for the wages of John Van Winkle John Van Arten Henry Van Arten and Clayse Forcevile every of them at
55 s
6 d
for this month of April
£ 11
2 s

Item for the wages of Hans Bartholomew Richard Rutter Jacobe George Van Hamburg and Jamys Phipher dru
every of them at
12 d
the day for this month of April
£ 9

Item to master Vaughan for the King's offering at the taking of the King's rights upon Easter day in the morning over and above
6 s
8 d
allowed before
3 s
4 d

Item to master Amner for the burying of the ofd people and in alms to Friars scholars Ancres and blind people
40 s

Item to John Trees and Richard Legh upon a bill
31 s

Item for the King's daily alms this week
37 s
11 d

Item to Sir Henry Guldeford knight upon a warrant upon a loan to be employed upon the repairing of the castle of Leeds in Kent
£ 300

Item for the King's offering upon Tuesday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item to Sir Wistan Broun upon a warrant to be by him employed in and abouts the making of certain docks to lay in and bestow the King's ships
£ 340

Item for offering upon Wednesday in Easter week
6 s
8 d

Item for boat hire w
certain money from Greenwich to the tower and to Greenwich again
2 s
4 d

Item for the wages of the yeomen of the chamber upon there book signed for the month of march last past as it appears in the same book
£ 152
10 s
6 d

Item for the wages of the yeomen of the guard every of them in the wages at
4 d
by the day upon there book signed for one quarter ended the Last day of march Last past
£ 245

Item for the wages of the yeomen of the guard every of them at
1 d
by the day upon there book signed for one half year and odd days ending the Last day of march Last passed

sum pagin
£ 1158
11 s
9 d

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