E101/414/6 folio 132r ( Wards ), 1496—1497 [modernised text]
partially erased

The wards of the 2 daughters of One Grey of the
Themple of London as m
Bray & Lucas know

The ward of Sir Edmond Benyngfeld son & heir

The ward of Thomas Oxenbridge a man of law in Sussex

The ward of Sir William Tyndall son which
Conyngesby have in his hands

The ward & marriage of Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam son
& heir which was Recorder of London

The ward of One Whitehead in Hampshire

The ward & marriage of Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam son & heir Yorkshire

The ward & marriage of Sir Piers Midelton son & Yorkshire heir

The ward & marriage of Sir Thomas Markenfeld son & heir

entered & examined huc in new book

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